Saturday Mar 29

Dorianne-Laux One of my favorite columns in Connotation Press: An Online Artifact, and also one of the very first we chose to run is the Featured Undergrad column. It’s quite simple really, writing professors around the country nominate the undergrad they think should get a shot at reaching a wide, international audience. The writing teacher helps the student to get a submission together, possibly helping to choose which pieces to submit, possibly providing help on how to write a bio. And finally, the writing professor writes an introductory statement introducing the student. 

We knew this would give teachers an opportunity to show off their best and brightest students, and we hoped it would catch on. WOW did it!

Mtmayo Our first Featured Undergrad was Michael T. Mayo introduced by one of our favorite writers and writing teachers, Rachel_Magnum Dorianne Laux. We send out a special thanks to Dorianne for all her kindness in nominating not one, not two, but three undergrads. In addition to Michael, Dorianne also nominated Rachel Mangum and Walden Raines. Thank you SO MUCH Dorianne! And we really liked your work Michael, Richard & Walden. We await your own submissions, and we hope to recieve them soon!

Patrick-Link In December, Associate Editor Katie Fallon nominated two of her outstanding, award winning students, Patrick Link & Mika Rivera. Patrick & Mika were students of Kaite’s at Virginia Tech and we were very glad to have them. Thanks, Katie! Well done, Patrick & Mika! Mika-Rivera

In January, Maureen Seaton introduced us to Maximilian Hagen. We were delighted with Maximilian’s work and thank both he and Maureen for the contribution. Thanks, guys!

Jennifer Butcher - Bio Pic In February, another of Connotation Press’ heroes Allison Joseph introduced us to Jennifer Butcher. Jennifer’s poetry is as strong and well executed as the work from a teacher like Ms. Joseph would be. Again, we were delighted! Thanks Allison & Jennifer!

In March we got an extra special surprise as novelist Emily Mitchell nominated Andi Stout from our alma Andi01 mater West Virginia University. This was special for us as in addition to Andi being our first undergrad fiction writer, she is also a long time friend and a former student of both Katie Fallon & me. Andi is now in the MFA program at WVU. Thank you for a special treat Emily, and WTG Andi!

Finally, our last Featured Undergrad was introduced to us by Cynthia Cruz. Saratoga Rahe is a brilliant emerging SaratogaRahe-BioPic poet and we were just knocked out by her work. Thank you so much Cynthia, and great poems, Saratoga.

I am thrilled with the success of the Featured Undergrad column and look forward to publishing again, many for the first time, this wide variety of outstanding emerging artists. WRITING TEACHERS, please send us your nominations. Please! We can’t wait!